We are very excited to once again be participating in New York’s IFPDA fair and have the opportunity to connect to the print collecting community both in person and online. Our selections for the fair highlight the careers of the two artists whose work we specialize in, Pablo Picasso and Edvard Munch. Of Picasso’s oeuvre we chose to feature his most famous female portraiture with multiple states of La Femme qui pleure I. We are also exhibiting a selection of his signature Minotaur prints, which highlight the marriage of myth and modernity, like La Minotauromachie, one of the most important graphic works in the 20th century. As for Munch, our selections include many images on romantic love, loss, and the tension between domestic and wide open natural spaces such as To mennesker. De ensomme (Two human beings; The lonely ones). We invite you to visit us at the Fair in Javits Center Booth 207, or if you cannot make it; discover more online.
John Szoke at IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair: Javits Center, Booth 207
Past exhibition
27 - 30 October 2022